Lifting Others Up

A Wise Teacher Once Posed A Challenge To His Students:

Each of them had a balloon with their name on it. All the balloons would fall from the ceiling and they would be given 5 minutes to find their own balloon. If everyone found the balloon with their name on it, they would all win. If not, then they would all lose.

Although everyone tried to find their own, once the time was up they were unable to do so. The teacher then put the balloons back and suggested they tried something different the second time around. He encouraged them this time to catch a balloon and then look for the person to whom the balloon belonged.

Within less than 3 minutes everyone had received their own balloon.

The lesson the teacher shared was life changing: “Finding happiness and fulfilment is just like finding our balloon. If we only look for our own, we will never find it. But if we all help each other, we will also find our own along the way”.

This lesson is such a powerful one and truly resonates with me. The beauty of the lesson is that it not only applies to our personal relationships but to the ones we build in our businesses too. If we are there to guide and help others to achieve whatever they are wanting, we will in turn find what we are after as well.

We Don’t Have To Make A Choice Between Self Or Other

We don’t have to make a choice between self or other but rather how can we integrate the two. In a self-focused 2024 world, I feel like I need to back this statement with some research. So even if this is not “your thing”, just take note that helping others can even be serving the self because it can contribute to your own happiness.

According to, when we help others and lifting others up, we experience a boost in happiness. It may seem counterintuitive, but making someone else happy often brings more personal joy than self-focused pursuits. Feeling close to others also plays a role and it is through acts of kindness that inspire feelings of closeness which too can enhance our well-being.

Remember, as Martin Luther King Jr. wisely said, “The surest way to be happy is to seek happiness for others.” So, let’s spread joy by lifting others up!


*Thank you Peretz Segal for sharing this story

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